Story Dance

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In the Story-Dance Residency, focus is on levels, directions, pathways, and use of energy, spatial relationships, body shapes, and body actions. We will use storytelling as a way to invent our movement, strengthen sequencing skills, learn literacy elements, and enhance  imaginative story making.  Students will learn vocabulary words connecting them to the art form: dancer, choreographer, dance-teacher, composer, costume designer, audience. Students explore their individual range of movement by practicing a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor actions, enhancing gross motor skills of coordination, creativity, kinesthetic expression, and rhythms. Older students will have a chance to create longer pieces of choreography together, through creative suggestions from the teaching artist.

“They looked forward to your class and their listening, sequencing, and overall cooperation improved over your 6 week course. Thank you!”
-Kindergarten Teacher, P.S. 19, NYC

“Treehouse Shakers creates children’s dance-theater of the highest caliber. The performers sense of wonder and pleasure in performing is infectious, and I’ve seen them establish rapport with children of all ages, from toddlers to teens.”
-Aviva Geismar, Artistic Director, Drastic Action